Following the success of the 2022 Autumn Fleece Show and Exhibition, it was decided to take this event another step and encourage more public participation. It was decided to expand the exhibition side with more craft and photography classes and, the addition of art classes to the competition.
To be held at the Woodside Institute Hall in SA, the fleeces and articles will be judged on Saturday the 6th May, and the hall will be open to the public for viewing on Sunday the 7th May from 10am to 3pm, with free entry. We also hope to have spinning and other crafts demonstrations, along with information about alpacas and the industry, along with some friendly alpacas to see and touch!
The Craft and Photography sections are open for entries from members of the public, so knitters, spinners, felters, and photographers are encouraged to enter into the various classes in the competition section.
Entry details and conditions can be found here Autumn Fleece Show 2023 Schedule. Entry form is HERE. Exhibit ID forms are HERE. Payments should be may via eAlpaca.
Members fleece entries can be via eAlpaca web site.